Our Mission
To provide a suite of complementary services for museums — primarily those that are small, underfunded, and in non-English-speaking countries — which desire to convey information to visitors through English-language exhibit placards and other media.
Specific services the Gnosis Project could provide for partner museums might include some or all of the following, based upon their needs and desires:
- Rewrite English-language exhibit placards to enhance their clarity and accuracy;
- Translate exhibit placards from the local language into English;
- Create/print new exhibit placards for museums if doing so would present a financial obstacle to them;
- Create virtual museum tours that can be taken online or via apps on mobile devices;
- Create and publish books, of the sort that could be purchased by visitors, showcasing museums and their exhibits; provide a number to participating museums at no cost to them (e.g., 100); and thereafter allow them to purchase additional books at wholesale rates (e.g., 50% off retail with shipping included).